Fairy Meadows is located in the Raikot valley Gilgit Baltistan. The trek easy walk and short accessible from Raikot Bridge. Only 4Ă—4 jeeps approachable to Tato village and further 3hrs trek bring us the grassland. The local inhabitance established wood huts and camping side for tourist. Fairy meadow suitable to visit from April and continues until the end of September. The local generate revenue from tourism, carrying personal baggae, providing accommodation foods. Tourist love to hike upper Beyal camp to located more zoom of the great Nanga Parbat 8126m Raikot face.
Altit Fort in  is an ancient fort at Altit town in the Hunza valley in Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan. It was originally home to the hereditary rulers of the Hunza state who carried the title Mir, although they moved to the somewhat younger Baltit fort nearby three centuries later. Altit Fort and in particular the Shikari tower is around 1100 years old  which makes it the oldest monument in the Gilgit–Baltistan.In the past several small independent states formed part of the history of the Northern Areas of Pakistan. Among them Hunza and Nager were traditional rival states, situated on opposite sides of the Hunza (Kanjut) river. The rulers of these two states, Mirs known as Thum (also Tham, Thom or ThĂ¡mo), built various strongholds to consolidate their power. According to historical sources,[2] the Hunza rulers initially resided in nearby Altit Fort, but after a conflict between the two sons of the ruler Sultan, Shah Abbas (Shάboos) and Ali Khan (Aliqhάn), Shaboos moved to Baltit Fort, making it the capital seat of Hunza. The power struggle between the two brothers eventually resulted in the death of younger one, and so Baltit Fort became the prime seat of power in the Hunza state.