Trip Details

Biafo & Snow Lake Trek


Biafo & Hishper glaciers combine together forms the world,s longest glacier out side the polar region. The Snow Lake & the Hishper pass give an unmatched trekking experience. After seven hours jeep journey from Skardu the trek will begin at Askole for the 115 km ice corridor trek walking on dancing stones, crossing splashing streams, camping on the summer pastures on the lateral moraines, crossing the 5150 m Hishper pass & four major side glaciers, We will end up the trek at Hishper village, the first permanent settlement after leaving Askoli.

The first seat of power of the formerly Hunza State was Altit. Later it shifted to Baltit (modern-day Karimabad). Until the fall of princely state in 1974, Baltit served as political center of Hunza and hence its capital. Today, Baltit is one of the major tourist destinations in Hunza. The center of activities has however shifted to the nearby Aliabad, which is a commercial hub in the region and has most of the governmental infrastructure.



Depart from your own destination, arriving Islamabad the next day and transfer to the hotel for a few hours’ sleep. After an early breakfast we return to the airport for the flight to Skardu, which usually departs mid-morning. Given good weather this is perhaps the most spectacular commercial flight in the world, with magnificent views of Nanga Parbat the ninth highest mountain in the world. The flight however will not operate in poor weather, and you must be prepared for a wait in Islamabad if the flight is cancelled

In case of cancellation of flight (13-14 hrs) drive by coach to Chilas (480 km) on Karakoram Highway. Or Drive to Chilas via the Babusar Pass 4173m. Babusar Pass is a high mountain pass at an elevation of 4.173 m (13,691 ft) above the sea level. The pass is the highest point in the Kaghan Valley, Pakistan. The pass connects the Kaghan Valley via the ThakNala with Chilas on the Karakoram Highway. It’s one of the famous hair pinned roads in the world.

Complete road journey (10-11 hrs) to Skardu (275 km) En-route has good view of Nanga Parbat (8125m) at junction of Indus River and the rapids and fall of Indus River.

Full day for official formalities and final preparation of Trek at Skardu.

After a free day in Skardu, we travel by Jeep to Askole, the last village between us and K2, This journey takes about 7 hours and is on very rough narrow tracks often blocked / damaged by landslides.

Trek begins. The walk from Askoli to Namla is on an easy gentle plain first and then becomes difficult as we get on to the snout of Biafo Glacier. This will take about 6 to 8 hours. The first sight of the pinnacles of the Paiyu Group is stunning.

This can take 7 hours or more. We walk on the moraines of Biafo Glacier as well as in an ablation valley. This is not an easy walk as we trek on rocks most of the time.

From Mongo we get on to the white Biafo Glacier where the walking is easier and then we diagonally walk across the Biafo to reach its other side near Biantha. The difficult parts here are getting on to the glacier and then getting off it. This takes about 6 hours of walking and will give us our first sight of the Latok Group. The campsite is located in a green meadow.

Six to eight hours of walking. Getting on to the glacier is tricky. Once on it, the walk is pretty straight forward on the white glacier. However, we are careful to avoid crevasses here. The greenery of Biantha campsite is only a memory now. We are in the dramatic and awesome expanse of the Biafo with its jagged pinnacles. The Ogre (7,813 m.) towers high above us on our right. There is only snow and rock now.

The trek takes about 6 to 7 hours over ice and snow. Once again we are careful to avoid crevasses along the way. Snow Lake is a magical place. Be sure to get out of the tent to experience the stars in the night. It is an unforgettable experience!

A 6 to 7 hour walk on slopes of about 30 degrees takes us to the top of the pass. Once again, we are careful to avoid crevasses. Even though the climb is on gentle slopes, we find it difficult due to the rarefied air. When on top we see a panorama described by an early explorer: “Beyond all comparison the finest view of mountains it has been my lot to behold.” On one side the Biafo lies and on the other side we look towards the Hispar Glacier and the peaks above Hunza valley. The view of sunrise from the pass is another sight to behold.

This is a long day’s walk and can take more than 8 hours. We want to make sure that we leave the pass early before the snow becomes soft. On the way down, once again, we are careful to avoid crevasses. We will have to cross the Kani Basa Glacier before we can camp on a green campsite, which is a welcome sight and site after being on snow for the last few days. On the way we can see the famous Kanjut Sar (7,760 m.) towering high above the Kani Basa Glacier.

This will take about 7 hours and on the way we will cross the Jutmal Glacier. It is tricky here as the route through the glacier is like a maze with high ice walls. After crossing it, another hurdle that we face is the climb up on a loose cliff face. Once up the face, we now enter a beautiful campsite with lovely views across the Hispar Glacier. Some streams have to be crossed on the way.

This section takes about 8 hours. On the way Pumory Glacier is crossed and also a stream. The crossing of Pumory is not that difficult as the Jutmal. However, once again, we have to descend on to the ablation valley and once again we have to climb the cliffs on our right to get to the campsite. This is an exhaustive process.

One more glacier to cross! This is Kunyang Glacier. The walking does get a little easier. However, crossing the Kunyang is tedious and the climb on rocks on the other side can be difficult. This is a short day consisting of about 4 hours. Our camp is in a shepherd’s meadow where villagers from Hispar bring their yaks for the summer. The view of Makrong Chhiish (6,607 m.), on the other side of Hispar Glacier, is outstanding.

Another short day of about 4 hours. Some streams have to be crossed on the way, but the walking is relatively gentle. A bridge over the Hispar stream has to be crossed and then a climb on a good path brings us into the village proper. It is strange to see habitation as the villagers gather around us!

Our jeeps will transport us back to Karimabad, Hunza. The first sight of this lush green valley surrounded with huge white peaks will remain an imprint on our minds for a long time.

We drive to Gilgit in about three hours and have ample opportunity to visit the Central Asian bazaars and do some sightseeing.

Having breakfast in Hotel we transfer you to Gilgit airport to depart Islamabad, The flight however will not operate in poor weather, in this case we drive from Gilgit - Babusar Top 4170m and drive continue to Narang Valley overnight in Hotel.

If we able to fly on day 20 then we spend our full day in Islamabad sightseeing, or we come by land then we drive from Naran valley - Islamabad, en route we visit Taxila museum and transfer to Islamabad international airport to fly your own destination.


The Cost Include

  • All airports pick & Drops on arrival and departures.
  • Air condition Transportation for Briefing & De-briefing in Alpine club of Pakistan / Ministry of Tourism.
  • One way domestic flight fare between Islamabad - Skardu.
  • One way air condition coaster/mini bus / car between Islamabad - Skardu.
  • Transportation for sightseeing.
  • 4x4 Jeep / Toyotas between Skardu – Askoli.
  • 4x4 Jeep / Toyotas between Hishper village - Hunza
  • One way domestic flight fare between Gilgit - Islamabad.
  • Air condition Transportation between Hunza - Gilgit.
  • air condition bus/ mini bus / car between Gilgit - Islamabad.
  • Two nights in Islamabad 3*/4* Hotel accommodation with bed & breakfast.
  • One night in Chilas best standard Hotel accommodation with full board.
  • Two nights in Skardu best standard Hotel accommodation with full board.
  • One night in Hunza best standard Hotel accommodation with full board.
  • One night in Gilgit best standard Hotel accommodation with full board.
  • Documentation.
  • Visa facilitation letter.
  • Professional guide included for trekking from Islamabad - Islamabad.
  • Way Up & down 25kg allow in our services.
  • While ascending any pass above 5000m 15kg allow in our services.
  • Necessary base camp staff (base camp manager, Chief, Cook, and Assistance & Waiters.
  • Three meals a day and tea – coffee – snacks during the trek.
  • Comfortable foam / mattress while trekking and base camp.
  • A north face tent provide as individual member.
  • Hot shower and toilet tents.
  • Comfortable chairs and table while trekking and base camp stays.
  • Complete camping setup with dinning & kitchen tents while trekking and base camp.
  • Imported and local foods during trekking and base camp stay.
  • Medical first aid kit for group and staff.
  • Satellite phone for emergency calling.
  • All camping and bridge crossing fee.
  • CKNP ( Central Karakoram National Park) west management fee.
  • Assistance for international tickets reconfirmation.
  • Farewell dinner will served in Islamabad.

The cost doesn't include

  • Member international flight tickets.
  • Members any personal / trekking gears.
  • Sleeping bag and all personal expenses such as telephone calls, fax, email charges, liquor or soft drinks,
  • Room service, gratuities for personal services, items of a purely personal nature.
  • Staff tips, We recommend you to give small bonus for our local staff.
  • Mini bars while staying in hotels / travelling.
  • Member personal insurance.
  • RECOMMENDATION:- We recommend our clients to deposit helicopter rescue aviation deposit in advance $5000/- the entire money is refundable if not use. In case any emergency happen on remote mountain range then we fly helicopter on time to save life.
  • TRAVEL INSURANCE:- It is a strongly recommend that while booking treks and tours with us that travelers/trekkers must be protected by insurance themselves that covers cancellation, accidents, health, emergency evacuation, and loss of items, or damage to baggage and personal effects.


Equipment List

  • 1 Backpack with a carrying capacity of 60 to 70 L/ 15 -17 Gallons (a similar sized duffle bag or travel bag can be used as a substitute)
  • 1 Small backpack for day trips
  • Sleeping bag (down or synthetic, down to 0 degrees, lightweight compression bag)
  • 1 Warm jacket or parka
  • 3 Pairs of outdoor pants (jeans are not recommended as they are difficult to dry out when wet)
  • Warm sweaters
  • 2 – 4 Pairs of woolen socks
  • T-shirts, shirts, hats or caps
  • 1 Set of warm underwear such as long underpants and long undershirts
  • 1 Pair of good hiking boots (make sure they are “broken-in”)
  • 1 Pair of light shoes (runners or sneakers)
  • 1 Set of light rain gear such as a pant and jacket combination (1 Water bottle with a 1 litre capacity
  • 1 Pocket-knife or hunting knife
  • 1 Flashlight
  • 1 Pair of sun glasses (VERY IMPORTANT!)
  • A supply of sun blocker or sunscreen lotion and Lip suncream (VERY IMPORTANT!)
  • Personal medications
  • Underwear, personal items, and toiletries
  • 1 pair of fleece pants
  • 1 wool or fleece hat
  • Headlamp and Batteries (bring at least 2 spare sets)
  • 1 pair of Gore-Tex gaiters (heavy-duty, sized large enough to fit over plastic boots)
  • 1 pair of Gore-Tex shell gloves
  • Trekking poles (recommended)
  • Thermarest sleeping pad
  • Camera and film
  • Journal and pens

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Biafo & Snow Lake Trek
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